Contract Specific Design

Utilizing the design pattern of Uniswap V2, the modular design is divided into the following modules, with events reserved for data aggregation in a subgraph or backend:

1. StrategyFactory:

a. Create Strategy (Create Pool): Users can create trading strategies (pools) and grant authorization to the fee management contract.

b. Invoke Cross-Chain Contract to Create Strategy and Initiate First Order: Users can call a cross-chain contract to create a strategy and initiate the first order, with a minimum of 1000 CUSD.

c. Strategy IBC Memo: The memo for a created strategy contains:

i. Pair ID for the trading pair (e.g., ETH:CUSD).

ii. Pair address: This corresponds to the pair contract for the trading strategy, and only memos with less liquidity sent to this contract will be recognized in the future.

2. StrategyPair:

a. Create Orders (Add Liquidity): Users can create orders and add liquidity to the strategy pair.

b. Request Liquidity Reduction: Users can request to reduce liquidity.

c. Withdraw Stablecoin: Allows users to withdraw stablecoin.

d. Update Fund Net Value: Consider precision issues, with precision tentatively set at 9 decimal places (1,000,000,000).

e. Invoke Cross-Chain Contract for Liquidity Addition (Cross-Chain Coin is Stablecoin): Users can add liquidity across different chains, with stablecoin as the cross-chain asset.

f. Invoke Cross-Chain Contract for Liquidity Reduction (Cross-Chain Coin is 0; Information is the Amount of LP Tokens to Cross Back): After calculating the specific quantity for cross-chain return in MarginX, users can call this function.

g. Aggregate the Quantities of LP Tokens for Cross-Chain Liquidity Addition and Reduction: After adding or reducing liquidity across chains, LP token quantities are aggregated.

i. Memo structure: {"amount":" amount "} => LP token quantity.

ii. After cross-chain actions, update the fund net value. MarginX ensures that the corresponding CUSD is placed in the appropriate pair contract before updating.

3. Action:

This module aggregates CoastDAO for batch operations.

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