Adding Liquidity For New Perpetual Markets (First Time)
A. Opening a position in CoastDAO, depositing collateral to generate CUSD, creating a trading strategy contract, and generating the first order
openLockGemAndDrawAndCreateStrategy(address gemJoin,bytes32 ilk,uint256 amtC,uint256 wadD,bytes32 strategyName,uint8 strategyId } gemJoin:The contract addresses of these collateral assets in CoastDAO (there are as many addresses as there are collateral assets). ilk:Collateral type amtC:Amount of collateral wadD:Amount of cusd strategyName Name of the trading pair strategyId Trading strategy Id (1,2,3,4)
B. In CoastDAO, specify the vault to store collateral, generate CUSD, create a trading strategy contract, and initiate the first order.