Strategy Pair
1.Event for Adding Liquidity (Creating Orders) in StrategyPair Contract:
event CreateOrderEvent(
bytes32 indexed pair,
uint8 indexed strategyId,
uint256 indexed orderId,
address user,
uint256 stableAmount,
uint256 createTime,
uint256 netWorthIndex
pair: Trading pair(weth:cusd)
strategyDetail : Trading strategy (1,2,3,4)
orderId: Order id
user: Owner of the order
stableAmount: Amount of stablecoins deposited
createTime: Creation time
netWorthIndex:ID of the corresponding fund net value
2.Requesting Withdrawal of an Order
event RequestWithdrawalEvent(
bytes32 indexed pair,
uint8 indexed strategyId,
uint256 indexed orderId,
uint256 preWithdrawalTime,
uint256 lpAmount,
uint256 withdrawTime,
uint256 netWorthIndex
pair: Trading pair(weth:cusd)
strategyDetail : Trading strategy (1,2,3,4)
orderId: Order id
preWithdrawalTime: Submission time (time of this transaction)
lpAmount: Amount of LP tokens submitted
withdrawTime: Time when the withdrawal is allowed (prewithrawal Time + freeze time)
netWorthIndex:Index of the pre-withdrawal fund net value
3.User Withdrawing Stablecoins
event WithdrawEvent(
bytes32 indexed pair,
uint8 indexed strategyId,
uint256 indexed orderId,
uint256 realWithdrawTime,
uint256 lpAmount,
uint256 stableAmount
pair: Trading pair(weth:cusd)
strategyDetail : Trading strategy (1,2,3,4)
orderId: Order id
realWithdrawTime: Actual withdrawal time
lpAmount: Amount of LP token burned
stableAmount: Amount of stablecoins withdrawn
4.Updating Fund Net Value
event NetWorthSetEvent(
bytes32 indexed pair,
uint8 indexed strategyId,
uint256 index,
uint256 rate
pair: Trading pair(weth:cusd)
strategyDetail : Trading strategy (1,2,3,4)
index: Index corresponding to the fund net value
rate: Updated net value in the contract
Last updated