Built On f(x)Core
Welcome to Function X! A scalable, open, proof of stake and decentralized ecosystem enabling all to build entirely on and for the blockchain.
Now, before we observe the bigger picture, let’s just journey a little bit back in time. In 2009, Bitcoin was born and revolutionized our monetary system by enabling peer-to-peer transactions without the need to go through any intermediaries.
Moving on a few years later, in 2015, another breakthrough occurred. The birth of Ethereum. Now, Ethereum accomplished what Bitcoin could not do, and that was smart contract functionality and decentralized applications aka DApps through its virtual machine called EVM. It literally sparked the development of many new blockchain projects built on the Ethereum platform.
Then, more blockchains were unveiled. Individuals, businesses and organisations are free to choose and utilize any blockchain they prefer for their everyday activities. But knowing that one blockchain will not rule them all, in the non-distant future, all these blockchains need to talk to each and exchange a variety of things from digital assets to text messages and voice.
Function X is designed to be a cross-chain architecture allowing multiple chains to be part of it. Thanks to the implementation of the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, Function X can enable different blockchain projects to communicate. The infrastructure comes with customizable subnets and parachains which are operating separately and the number of transactions per second is infinite. Any project can create its own chain under Function X and customize the chain to satisfy and fulfill respective business needs.
Now, do you see the bigger picture? Let’s dive a little deeper. Function X has become EVM-compatible and introduced FXEVM. What does this mean? FXEVM allows developers to migrate Ethereum-compatible smart contracts and dApps to Function X.
Think of it as Ethereum is now on Function X but with all the benefits including low transaction costs coupled with high transaction speed. To accelerate the development of the Function X ecosystem, Function X Foundation allocates 75M $FX coins as the Ecosystem Genesis Fund (EGF) to support decentralization efforts, infrastructure improvements, increasing liquidity, and community development.
The possibilities are endless. Let’s build the future together, decentralized.
Learn more: https://youtu.be/H-gxIKeO-tg?feature=shared
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